Sukhjit Singh

Sukhjit Singh

Google Certified Web Developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
4 years
SUKHJIT SINGH D-1/3, Akash Ganga, INS Rajali, Arakkonam, Chennai, India | - |-| SUMMARY Skilled Front End Developer, built responsive and interactive websites for the last 4 years while working as a freelancer. Highly motivated IT student with excellent communication, self-learning, time management, and organizational skills. Goal oriented resourceful team player with an enthusiasm to learn and develop technical skills. Desire to work for an organization which provides me the opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge to grow in my career along with the organization objective. EDUCATION PROFILE B.TECH. |​ ​ HINDUSTAN UNIVERSITY​(2019) Stream: Information Technology GPA: 6.38 Year: 2019 XII | KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, HVF AVADI CHENNAI Major: Computer Science Percentage: 71% Year: 2015 X | KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, ​H.V.F AVADI, CHENNAI Major: Science CGPA: 8.6 Year: 2013 PROJECTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Developed an E-Commerce store for boutique based in Waco, Texas, USA. Developed a portfolio template for upcoming and amateur web developers. Developed Studomaster, an online hub for students in schools and colleges to upload their projects. Developed Sierra, a web application for an online product based Start-up Company to showcase their products. Developed a Simple ERP System for students and teachers. Currently working on a social network for students and teacher community. Offered Scholarship by IBM. AREAS OF INTERESTS Developing web applications and templates. Designing websites on Photoshop. Organising intersociety events. Working on a challenging web based projects. Drinking chai most of the time. Interacting with people of different background. SKILLS HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and JavaScript. WordPress C# (Beginner) C++(Intermediate) Strong written and verbal communication skills and excellent interpersonal and group presentation ability. Strong time and multitasking skills. Ability to conceptually adapt technologies to fit various ideas. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name : Sukhjit Singh Father’s name : Harbans Singh Mother’s name : Paramjit Kaur Date of Birth Gender : : 26​t h​ November 1997 Male Languages Known : English, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil Marital status : Unmarried Nationality : Indian Native : Chandigarh, Punjab
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