Sukhjit Singh

Sukhjit Singh

Google Certified Web Developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
4 years

I'm a Certified Web Developer based in Chennai, India. I've been creating and building responsive and interactive websites for the last 4 years. I've also worked for Google for 6 months on a Web Project in 2017. I've developed 84+ websites for 42+ clients since September 2018. Developing WordPress and HTML5 websites with PHP, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, etc. is my Thing.

"I switched from upwork to hubstaff and this is the reason why my profile has no reviews and no projects."

Why should you choose me?

My Experience:

  • I've worked in Dock Yard Inc. as a web developer/web designer year from June 2017 to Dec 2018.
  • I've Worked on a project for Google in 2017.


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