Hubstaff Talent is a 100% free resource for companies looking to find remote freelancers across the globe. No Fees, no markups, no middlemen.
There are no costs or fees for posting a job on Hubstaff Talent. Simply add your team members and you'll receive an email when someone enquires about a specific team member.
We take pride in our directory of freelancers and agencies. Hubstaff Talent is not overloaded with low quality freelancers trying to find work that apply to every project posted.
You post awesome jobs and projects, and then awesome people with real talent will apply for the job. When they apply, you’ll get a detailed description of why they believe they are the right fit.
Of course, we’d love for you to use Hubstaff for time tracking, but you are not required to do so. We built Hubstaff Talent to be an open directory with no fees and no requirements to work on our platform. Contact talent directly and communicate directly with your new talent.
You are not forced to communicate through our platform. We don’t keep tabs on it. We’ll send an message to you when someone applies to your job, and then you can contact them via email, skype or whatever means you prefer.
When you post a job in Hubstaff talent, we’ll share it on our social feed and try to get it on other job boards and other sites. This will get your job maximum visibility, and all for no cost!
Hubstaff is a 100% free directory for you to find and contact the world's best remote contractors
How it worksHubstaff has helped me find talented content writers that I can work with on my own terms. As I need more remote freelancers it will be the first place I look.
There are no fees. You can contact and work with as many contractors and agencies as you like on Hubstaff Talent and it doesn’t cost anything to you. Hubstaff doesn’t take a percentage of any payments you make so you don’t have to factor that into your costs when considering hiring someone.
Posting a job on Hubstaff Talent will get your project in front of the most qualified contractors and agencies. They can then submit applications listing their details and why they’re the best fit for the job. You can also search for contractors based on the skills you’re looking for.
You’re free to pay your workers however works best for you. If you use Hubstaff for time tracking, you can have your workers paid automatically for their work through Paypal, Payoneer, or Bitwage (which allows you to pay via credit card, debit card, wire transfer, and more).
Job postings will remain active for 60 days. You are able to repost jobs after they have expired and there are never any fees for posting new jobs.
Post your free job and find talented contractors for your projects. All 100% free.
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