Roselyn Tomas

Roselyn Tomas

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Research, Reports, Admin, Customer Service
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
39 years old
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
10 years
Address: Barangay 59 B. Dibua North Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 Mobile Phone: - Email: len2mas TOMAS, ROSELYN De Castro Work Experience April 1, 2022 – September 15, 2022 Senior Field Manager IDInsight | UNDP DepED Distance Learning Modalities during Covid-19 • • • • • • Prepared deployment plan with budget allocation for each of its logistical needs Conducted recruitment and hiring of 20 field data collectors and 4 Team Leaders Co-developed the Fieldwork Data Collection Protocol Pilot tested quantitative and qualitative instruments Facilitated in the translation and back translation of instruments Co-designed the data collectors training (materials and slides) September 21, 2020 – March 15, 2022 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Education Development Center | USAID Opportunity 2.0 • • • • • • • Led the implementation, coordination and supervision of all monitoring, evaluation and learning activities to assigned project sites primarily in Cebu City, Tagbilaran City, Isabela City and Zamboanga City. Facilitated workshops in designing, testing, and translating of research tools, activity monitoring tools, capacity assessment tools and research work plans. Designed, created and programmed M&E tools in survey software and online forms. Processed, analyzed and presented training data, evaluation results and research findings to project stakeholders. Participated and facilitated in project planning, pause and reflect and learning sessions. Managed data collection activities of research assistants and coordinate data collection activities to stakeholders. Perform data collection, data entry, data validation and data quality assessments. December 2, 2019 – September 1, 2020 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer Research Triangle Institute | USAID Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines (ABC+) • • • • • • • Successfully implemented Baseline Survey using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) to 1,200 randomly selected pupils, 120 classroom observations, and 360 teacher and school head interview in the selected schools and divisions across Region VI. Facilitated pause and reflect sessions to derive lessons learned and best practice. Contributed in the baseline survey report and participated in the benchmarking of project indicators. Contributed in the development and submission of timely, accurate, and complete project data reporting requirements. Coordinated the project’s regional monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems and procedures. Supported the project’s Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting initiatives to improve effectiveness of intervention. Served as the Regional Communications Focal person. June – November 2019 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Advisor (Consultancy – Short-term Engagement) Research Triangle Institute | USAID Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) • Contributed in the timely submission of the project’s Annual Progress Report, and in the identification of project extension’s performance and context indicators • • • • • • • Responsible for the management and implementation of STRIDEs MEL procedures and processes Assisted in data collection, analysis, and reporting on performance and activity indicators in coordination with team members and project counterparts Prepared data tabulations, reports, and presentations to support project activities Designed data collection tools to capture performance indicators Managed project results reporting and management with input from COP and team members Implemented project MEL system to measure specific targets Analyzed monitoring data to derive lessons for improvement and make recommendations November 2018 – April 2019 Program and Project Management Analyst Accenture, Inc – Ilocos Delivery Center • • • • • Deputy Lead for Corporate Social Responsibility and Delivery Center Engagement Managed reporting for Ilocos Service Delivery Center Lead (headcount, attrition, MOR summary, SLAs met, promotions summary and Operations Excellence Maturity) Supported Ilocos Delivery Center client visits (logistical arrangements and legal requirements) Planned, managed, and maintained executive’s schedules and recurring meetings Accountable for developing and managing key internal/external client relationships across sphere April 2014 – May 2018 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Education Development Center | USAID Basa Pilipinas Program • • • • • • • • Spearheaded the implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan in the Schools Division of Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur Managed and implemented baseline, midline and end line data collection handling 30 data collectors per cohort of study Coordinated and liaised with key DepEd officials such as Supervisors, School Principals, Administrators and Teachers in the implementation of activities of the program such as teacher training, data quality assessment, materials distribution, literacy assessments and school visits Planned and executed data collection and research activities in the Division of Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur Trained and facilitated research and data collection procedures and protocols including Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Literacy Assessments for Kindergarten on tabletbased assessment or survey such as SurveyToGo and SurveyCTO Improved data quality by mentoring data collectors and managing enumerators performance during data collection and research activities Collected, processed, analyzed and summarized relevant data collected for the project including survey results, interviews, classroom observation, pre-test, post-test, and training evaluation results Redesigned and executed the Teaching and Learning Materials Distribution Guidelines and Protocol October 2013 – March 2014 Reporting and Admin Analyst Sunlife Financial of Canada, Philippines • • • • • • Created reports for Monthly Business Reviews (MBR) for Philippines, Hong Kong, and Indonesia Operations Monitored ongoing issues or service requests for resolution Developed and maintained Human Resource Tracker as a basis for monitoring and reporting staffing requirements, issues, and concerns Generated standard, custom and ad hoc reports including project status and chargeability Coordinated with department heads and project managers to monitor projects status and other staffing needs Tracked and maintained temporary staff and third-party vendor contracts 2 December 2008 – September 2013 Reporting Analyst (January 2010 – September 2013) Accenture, Reporting Shared Services • • • • • • • • • Delivered standard and ad hoc quality reports on time and accurately Automated reports to reduce processing time using MS Excel Developed and implemented new reports and modified existing reports in response to delivery operations request Coordinated directly with operations to determine reporting requirements Generated top-level reports culled out from standard reporting from different projects to provide in-depth performance and measurement review Assembled data for key performance indicators and service level agreements and organized information in one dashboard Designated as the Operational Excellence point person for Reporting Shared Services Launched project engagement activities for Reporting and Shared Services Headed the Voluntary Internship Program of Reporting Shared Services to train participants basic to intermediate skills in MS Excel, VBA, and other reporting tools Technical Support Representative (December 2008 – December 2010) • Served as the first point of contact for customers seeking technical assistance over the phone for their internet services May – December 2007 Customer Service Representative Teleperformance • Provided appropriate solutions to customers queries regarding their telephone plan/subscription over the phone January – November 2006 Directory Assistant NCO Call Center • Education Provided yellow pages information for customers who calls the switchboard August 2018 – September 2019 Mariano Marcos State University, Graduate School • Master of Arts in Education Major in Library and Information Management (units only) June 2003 – April 2008 University of the Philippines, School of Library and Information Studies • Bachelor of Library and Information Science December 2006 – March 2007 University of Shizuoka Kenritsu Daigaku, Faculty of International Relations • Exchange Student June 2002 – March 2003 Mariano Marcos State University, College of Business Economics and Accountancy • Bachelor of Science in Economics 3
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