Rominda Tamayo

Rominda Tamayo

HR - US CompenBen, Recruitment, Client Retention/Customer Service, Sales
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
Quezon City, Ncr, Philippines
15 years

HR professional in Business Development, Talent Acquisition, End-to-end Recruitment, Organizational & Data Management, HR & Personnel Administration, Payroll, Learning & Development and Compensation & Benefits.

With overall 12-year background in strategic HR administration and consulting services encompassing broad and complex HR disciplines in various industries, BPO, Corporate Shared Services and Online/Remote Work. Experienced in developing strong and positive relationship with business area stake holders, key account holders, stake holder management, clients and customers.
Strong background in working with diverse clients applying strategic HR Management encompassing broad and complex HR disciplines, company's policies and standards.

Quality, accuracy, on time deliverables. SLA and KPI compliant. Passion in leading, collaboration, continuous improvement, development and empowerment. Pro-active, Can do-attitude, Detailed, Goal and Result-oriented.

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