Projit Paul

Projit Paul

7+ years experience in IT Industry.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
37 years old
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
7 years

Core Competencies

Financial Management and tracking, Effort Optimization, Payout calculation and invoicing, Cost Forecasting

Project Management & PMO

Trend Analysis

Resource Management including Scheduling, Interviews, Performance Appraisals

Quality Management – ideas on KPIs and SLA

Exposure to US & European clients

Excellent communication skills , verbal & written

Strong analytical and organizational skills

Proficient in Microsoft Office, SQL queries

Proven Planning and scheduling knowledge

People Management 

Quality Assurance and Compliance Management 

Resourcing and Fulfilment 

Training and Communication 

Team Leader & Player with best results delivered.

Hands on experience on SQL Servers and Tally

Operational expertise with strong analytical skills

Numerous Workshops conducted on PMO roles & Responsibilities.

Quick learner with incomparable zeal to deliver best results.

Focused and pledged towards goals and achievements.

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