Name, Surname: Okan KURT
Sex: Male
Date of Birth:-
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Turkish
Driving License: B
Military Service: No military obligations
Address: Çınar Mh. Küçükyalı Nidapark Sitesi, No:113C, B3/78, Maltepe/Istanbul
GSM: +90 -
MScSabancı University – Istanbul
Mechatronics– 2004 – 2006
UniversityYıldız Technical University – Istanbul
Mechanical Engineering – 1999 – 2004
High SchoolÖzel Evrim High School – Istanbul
1992 – 1999
2014 - …Owner at Mobius Engineering and Consultancy, Ltd.
Electromechanical Puzzle – Design and implementation of a six stage intricate level 10 puzzle box game.
Automatic O-Ring Test Device – Mental Movement Institute / Köln. An electromechanical device was designed to perform so called O-Ring test. The device is capable of force controlled movement and report test results both on OLED screen and log them on the cloud.
Prototype of a Wearable Rehabilitation Device – PhysiPal / Melbourne. Design and 3d Printed prototype of a device to
Sheet Waxing Machine – Mumo Ltd.Şti. A.Ş. Design and implementation of a fully automated machine to heat honey wax based chemical and coat loaded sheets with the wax in a controlled manner.
02/2010 - 2013
Vistek ISRA Vision A.G.
Job Title: R&D Engineer
Job Definition: Design and manufacturing supervision of mechanical bodies, machines or mechanisms for machine vision applications.
Design Portfolio:
Recycled Glass Sorting Machine – ŞişeCam A.Ş. (Depending on broken glass pieces’ color and size).
Glass Cup Quality Inspecting Machine – Paşabahçe A.Ş. ( Body color, surface, brim and bottom purity inspection)
Aflatoxin Contaminated Fig Sorting Machine – Drafko LTD.Şti. (Aflatoxin contaminated figs to be separated from the healthy figs by means of UV-Color sorting)
Olive Sorting Machine – Tutkun Makine A.Ş. (Depending on olive color and size, the first Olive Sorting Machine in Turkey)
Refrigerator Chassis Orthogonality Inspection System – Arçelik A.Ş.
Granite/Marble Mosaic Tile Setting System (VisMos™) – Silkar A.Ş. :
Designed a unique stone sorting machine that aligns and tiles 1x1x1cm granite/marble stone pieces sorted out by their glossy face.
(VisMos™ Machine was nominated for 9th TUBITAK Technology Awards in Small Scale Enterprise, Patent Pending)
Automobile Tire Recognition System – Ford Otosan A.Ş. Designed and set up of the construction of a device that recognizes tire brands and serial numbers by means of image processing.
Washing Machine Front Lid Inspection System – Akplas A.Ş
05/2007 – 02/2010
Ford Otosan A.Ş. – Gebze Engineering
Department: Power Train Product Development - CAE
Job Title: Exhaust & Catalyst Systems NVH/Durability CAE Analyst
Graded with “High Success” in 2008 & 2009 as a result of durability CAE and NVH CAE performance by Ford Otosan.
Played an active role in founding full exhaust systems analyses approaches. Collaborated with Ford of Europe and two main exhaust suppliers, namely, Emcon and Tenneco to perform CAE analyses on full exhaust systems, i.e. Modal, Frequency Response and Static Analyses.
Worked on structural dynamics correlation of full exhaust system.
Performed Durability / NVH and Optimization studies on Catalyst & Turbo brackets, Structural Sumps, Oilpans, ECU brackets and Air Intake Manifolds for different engines of Ford of Europe and Ford of Australia. (Size, Shape, Topology and Topography Optimizations).
Performed component level crash simulations on Abaqus & Radioss Explicit.
Performed random vibration analyses -or so called Power Spectral Density (PSD) Analysis for chassis components that are subject to road loads.
Very experienced on meshing, NVH, Durability and Full Engine Crash Modeling.
Played an active role in founding CAD-CAE relations between Ford-Otosan - Jaguar & Landrover (JLR) and Ford of Europe (FOE) as a CAE member. Worked both in FOE, Dunton/UK and JLR, Coventry/UK as resident engineer for two months.
Finite Element Solvers & Pre/Post Processors: Abaqus (Beginner), Nastran (Good), Optistruct/Radioss Linear (Advanced), Radioss Explicit (Intermediate), HyperWorks (Advanced), Ideas (Intermediate)
CAD & 3D Design: SolidWorks (Excellent), Autodesk Inventor (Beginner), Fusion 360 (Beginner), Blender (Beginner)
Software: Python (Beginner), Arduino (Advanced), Visual Studio Code
Electronics: PCB Design, EASYEDA, Altium Designer (Beginner), ESP32 and Atmel MCUs.
Microsoft OS, Mac OS & MS Office: Excellent
Graphic Design: Corel Draw, Photoshop
Video Composing & Editting: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Da Vinci Resolve
[ Eksen Müh. – 2009 ]Nastran Users Conference, Green Park Hotel, Ist. ( Speaker ).
[ Altair Eng. – 2008 ]Introduction to Radioss Explicit.
[ Altair Eng. – 2008 ]Introduction to Optistruct and HyperStudy.
[ ABC Eğt.&Dan. – 2008 ]Creative Thinking and Innovation Techniques.
[ Sinerji Eğt.&Dan – 2008 ]Time Planning under Stress.
[ Ford Otosan – 2007 ]6 Sigma Green Belt Training.
[ A-Z Tech – 2007 ]Abaqus Finite Element Software Basic Training.
[ Boğaziçi Yazılım – 2007 ]I-DEAS C3P BASIC-ADVANCED Part Design.
[ Sabancı Univ. – 2006 ]AMC 2006, Advanced Motion Control Conference, Hilton (Speaker).
[ Sabancı Univ. – 2005 ]TOK 2006, Türkiye Otomasyon Konferansı, ITU.
Mechanical Design and Walking Algorithm Design of a Humanoid Robot (SURALP).
SURALP is the first humanoid robot, that can perform a dynamic bipedal walking and other tasks, i.e. pick and place, designed and built in Turkey. Research is still going on in Sabancı University Mechatronics Laboratories. My master thesis addresses a natural walking gait generation algorithm which incorporates pre-calculated Zero Moment Point trajectories that mimics humans’. Furthermore, my work on the project includes the mechanical design of the lower body (below waist) and the structural analysis for static and cyclic loadings (FEM).
K. Erbatur, O. Kurt, “ Biped Robot Reference Generation with Natural ZMP Trajectories”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008.
Erbatur, K., O. Kurt, U. Seven “Doğal Sıfır Moment Noktası Yörüngeleri ve Yürüyen Robot Referansları”, TOK 2007, pp. 353-358, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007
Erbatur, K. and O. Kurt, “Humanoid Walking Robot Control with Natural Zero Moment Point References” Proc. Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, IECON 2006, pp-, Paris, France.
O. Kurt, K. Erbatur, “ Biped Robot Reference Generation with Natural ZMP Trajectories”, AMC, Istanbul, 2006.
Ö. Bebek, K. Erbatur, O. Kurt, ” İki Bacaklı Yürüyen Robotlarda Bulanık Mantıklı Yürüyüş Biçimi Uyarlaması”, TOK, ITU, 2005.
A Novel Robotic Exoskeleton for Paraplegics and Control Interface, TPE (Pending)
An apparatus for rehabilitating a joint of a body, Aaya Hakeem, Honathan Chapman, Okan Kurt, 2022, WO-A1
EnglishReading, Writing, Speaking: Fluent
Playing the percussion and the flute, portrait sketching, SCUBA diving, learning new things.
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Kemalettin Erbatur
Mechatronics Department
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University
Orhanli, 34956 Tuzla-Istanbul, Turkey
Office : -