Mitesh Kadia

Mitesh Kadia

I am a Professional Trainer, Coach, HR Professional & Data Entry Operator
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Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
Anand, Gujarat, India
18 years

Providing effective training and other related services to the industries and organizations.

Mitesh Kadia owns 17 years of rich experience in the field of Training and Development. Besides being a Certified State level Trainer for ASHA, Mitesh has conducted various training for different target groups like State Trainers, district Trainers, Government officials, Staff members of different organizations, industrial workers, community groups and grassroots workers in the subject areas like self-help groups, maternal and child health, behavioral and soft skills, sustainable agriculture, entrepreneurship development, watershed management and water committees, sustainability, accounting & records keeping, Yoga and many more subjects.

By qualification, Mitesh Kadia holds a Masters degree in Human Resource Management and has completed a Diploma in Training and Development from the very well-known “Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD)”, New Delhi. He also possesses a diploma in Labour laws and a certificate in Organic farming. Besides academics, he owns a Diploma in Yoga from Somnath Sanskrit University.

Mitesh Kadia has received awards for his dedication and innovation during the implementation of various Government and semi Govt. projects.

Apart from being an expert trainer, Mitesh Kadia has a flair of developing training modules, participative games, activities, tools and short films. He has a long list of training modules developed on various topics and for various target groups.

His work on the development of Training module has been highly appreciated by Government authorities and he has been given an opportunity to share his presentation over the Module Development at Rural Development Department, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi. He has also got the chance to present about experiences of ASHA training at National Health System Resource Centre, New Delhi.

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