Lucas Brun

Lucas Brun

Marketing Analyst/Content Translator
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
26 years old
Mulhouse, Alsace, France
5 years
BRUN Lucas L STUDENT STATUS PROFILE Student at CATÓLICA-LISBON completing a Master of Science in Management with a specialization in Strategic Marketing. Eager to learn new concepts by being part of a rewarding project. I decided to take a break in my studies (Master in Management) before my thesis delivery, in order to complete some freelance tasks, such a content creator and translator from French to English as well as a consultant project focusing on competitive analysis. C O N TA C T - - WORK EXPERIENCE 2022 Marketing Analyst/Content Translator at deskbird As a freelance i'm in charge of validating their french ressources, as well as analyzing and identifiying market opportunities in the all French market. Taking into consideration the competition constraints as well as other external factors. Largo Manuel Emidio da Silva 12,- deskbird is a plug-and-play software solution for any hybrid workplace. Let employees book desks, meeting rooms and even more resources. 2022 French Content Translator (Website) Chargebee Chargebee is a SaaS product company building subscription and billing software. They work with the fastest growing SaaS and subscription-based companies in the world. PERSONAL Lorem ipsum As a freelance i was in charge of translating their whole website from English to French, by paying attention of the specific context, technical vocabularies and differences of languages. (reformulation) : 21 february 1999 o : French d u e - LANGUAGES ENGLISH Marketing Specialist Intern at Nestlé Belgilux b s h re ch as My mission was to support the business manager and Marketeer/Trade marketeer to face the accelerated growth of Nesquik and Nestlé milk products. Develop the presence of brands on social networks (Community management on Instagram to increase the presence of Nesquik. STUDIES E D U C AT I O N GERMAN FRENCH OTHER Content Creator for “Meli” 2020 MSC in Management Specialization: Strategic marketing 2019 Bachelor in business Administration 2017 Degree in Business Management Department Semester abroad at Vanier University of Montreal, Canada Certification in “Content Marketing” Projet Voltaire (Writting abilities) SKILLS PROFESSIONAL SKILL INTERESTS Sports Cinema Music Travel MS WORLD POWER P MS EXCEL ILLUSTRATOR
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