Lucas Brun

Lucas Brun

Marketing Analyst/Content Translator
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
26 years old
Mulhouse, Alsace, France
5 years

I decided to take a break in my studies (Master in Management) in order to complete some freelance tasks as Business analyst/ Content Creator & Translator English-French. As a student i had the opportunity to leave in several countries (6 in total) , which give me the chance to speak English fluently and being able to adapt easily to new cultures & new ways of working.

As a freelance i was in charge of validating the French ressources of a plug-and-play software solution called deskird, who let employees book their own desks, meeting rooms... There i was also analyzing and identifiying market opportunities in the all French market. Taking into consideration the competition constraints as well as other external factors. I also work for Chargebee a SaaS product company building subscription and billing software. My mission there, was to translate their whole website from English to French, by paying attention to the specific context, technical vocabularies and differences of languages. (reformulation)

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