Krizel Tormes Padayao

Krizel Tormes Padayao

Customer Support Specialist / Sales Assistant / Quality Analyst
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Iriga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines
13 years

I have 13 years of experience in Customer Service in assisting U.S customers. I was trained at a large Call Center in the Philippines and served as a Quality Analyst. I can provide e-mail, chat, and phone support and will do everything I can to delight your customers.

Communication is my passion and I firmly believe in fully comprehending customers' needs in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Throughout the years of my experience as a Customer Service Agent I have managed to hone skills that are very close to my personality and that I consider essential to quality customer service, such as patience, attentiveness, clarity, positive attitude, time management, empathy, calmness, promptitude, and persuasiveness. I am always willing to learn and will fully familiarize myself with the product in order to provide the best possible support to customers.

I am a full-time freelancer and can work in any time zones.

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