Kim Gordon

Kim Gordon

Customer Service | Translation | Datacapture
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
39 years old
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
10 years

I have extensive customer service and administration experience, and use my website as a canvas to promote and showcase my business and services. I understand that quality customer service is essential to a successful business and I take pride in filling that role. I’ve worked in various customer service roles over the course of my career.

In addition, I possess personal qualities that make me an ideal candidate for this position. I enjoy speaking with people and finding solutions to meet their needs. I am able to remain calm and positive even when those around me are feeling stressed and anxious, and I am usually able to help others remain calm as well. I work well independently and require very little direct supervision to successfully complete my job. Moreover, I am an energetic worker who is able to give as much effort and dedication to my last call of the day as I am to the first.

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