Julio Romero Jr

Julio Romero Jr

Social Media Manager, Blogger, Content Creator, Virtual Assistant.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
33 years old
Binan, Laguna, Philippines
1 year

My background was consistently characterized by my unrivaled dedication to building productive Web communities and engaging readers from research and trend topics to managing SEO efforts and evaluating web analytics. In addition to my communication and organizational capacities, my proven capacity to analyze usage data and patterns and create strategic blog content will enable me to excel. My expertise is to monitor all facets of the activity and presence of company social media to promote brand awareness, exposure and messaging. My experience can be utilized to enable your enterprise to succeed in marketing and Online Communication Strategies, from sharing content and analyzing measurements to preparing updates and increasing sales. I also work with efficient and creative marketing teams in order to develop and support revenue growth through forward - thinking strategy and concepts.

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