Julie Vargas

Julie Vargas

Travel Management
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
44 years old
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
12 years

Over the last 10 years, I have experienced working in a travel industry. My core competency lies on the following:

• Have the ability to arrange travel for clients - leisure/corporate

• Able to provide the customers with exact solutions accordingly

• Highly skilled in planning and arranging reservations

• In-depth knowledge of finding fare and schedule information, and calculating total travel costs

• Hands-on experience in booking reservations for flights, hotels, rental cars, and individual events

Furthermore, my multi-tasking skills, excellent communication and organizational combined with my superb attention to details make me effective and efficient in any given job.

I also have some experience in the following areas: data entry, email handling and accounting clerk.

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