Jeanette Alvarez

Jeanette Alvarez

Medical coding, Medical Billing, Data entry, Customer service
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
41 years old
Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines
9 years

I worked in a Call center for almost 7 years for US clients specifically health insurance account, experience meeting and greeting clients and responding efficiently and effectively to customer inquiries. I also worked as a claims processor for both US and Australia insurance. I am willing to learn new things or task in order to finish the job assigned to me.

I am eager to learn from others and would love the opportunity to advance my career with the company. I am a very detailed person. I have an eye for detail and this has truly helped me in my job, many times especially when I was a claims processor, I was able to analyze what went wrong in processing the claims, I was able to process the claims/bill of the patients properly and accurately.

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