James Baker

James Baker

Cybersecurity Sales & Marketing Specialist
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
45 years old
St. Helier, Jersey, Jersey
13 years

Highly motivated, innovative and an accomplished IT security and marketing professional armed with entrepreneurial flair, an outstanding track record of commercial achievements and unique skillset. Recognised for unquestionable talent to use digital innovations, data and information, and creative thinking to successfully create and exploit commercial opportunities, yielding profitable gains and brand presence. Exemplifies leadership and communication skills enabling to work with diverse group of people towards collective successful performance and results.

  • Led negotiations with UK National Health Service securing two major contracts worth over £7m, supplying managed hardware security USB devices.

  • Responsible for leading a team of account managers and telesales executives and managing high worth development accounts portfolio.

  • Providing excellent customer care and delivering IT security solutions according clients unique needs and requirements, in line with laws and regulations applicable to their operating market.

  • Accountable for liaison with numerous vendors, enabling to supply leading security-based solutions to wide ranging commercial clients across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

  • Re-structured sales division and introduced Telesales on Demand, ensuring increased profitability and improved customer service.

  • Experience In introducing innovative security solutions into EMEA market for the first time.

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