Gashon Smith

Gashon Smith

BPO Call Center Outsourcing/ Customer Support Management
Nexus Marketing Services
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
34 years old
Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica
13 years

I am an experienced Customer Support Professional, who has had over 13 years of work-related experience at every level working in fast-paced customer-centric environments since 2009. I have worked as a frontline agent for over 8years and as such have honed my soft skills which allow me to have a unique perspective of being a customer first, and as such am well versed in the expectations of today's customer. I have supported multiple clients, campaigns, and projects ranging from inbound customer service, outbound customer service, telemarketing/ telesales, advertising sales, market research/ surveys, direct selling, billing & retention, healthcare insurance, and technical support (telco), and outbound loan sales. I've worked at all levels, namely, tier 1 agent support, tier 2 supervisor/ escalations, and tier 3 team lead/ team manager within the BPO Call Center Industry, on all types of voice, chat, and back office accounts.

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