Ann Wanjiku Chege

Ann Wanjiku Chege

administrative support
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
29 years old
Nairobi, Westlands, Kenya
2 years

I am a keen to detail professional with experience handling administration, and front desk operations. Among the roles I have handled include; receiving and directing visitors to the respective person, making and receiving calls from clients, organizing General Manager’s Diary, setting reminders and booking appointment for meetings, making Travel arrangements, accommodating for the General Manager, sorting out and compiling files, offering secretarial and correspondence support and carrying out the timely payment of office bills. In addition, I am confident of my ability to offer excellent time management skills, great attention to details, and proficiency in the performance of all tasks assigned to me. My goal is to secure a position in administration where my competences will be utilized in performing my roles and achieving the organization’s objectives.

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