Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

Driven admin professional with experience in accounting, budgeting, costing & many other areas
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
Tucker, Georgia, United States
17 years

Exceptional verbal and written communications skills, highly organized, and effective in the management and coordination of critical projects. Background includes account management, and development of executive-level internal/external correspondence. Unique ability to successfully manage multiple projects simultaneously. Proven competencies as an accounting manager and office administrator with the ability to empower others and foster cohesive business environments. Deliver outstanding results, leading to increased levels of responsibility and recognition. Well- developed interpersonal communication skills to work effectively with people from all backgrounds.

Accounting/Administration: Bookkeeping, time sheet audit and entering, job costing to maintain budgets, file management, collections, accounts receivable and payable processing, supply purchasing, mail routing, paycheck preparation, schedule and appointment management, travel itinerary development, event planning and orchestration, problem solving skills, medical coding and billing

Management: Office management, team management of up to fifteen (15) employees simultaneously, supervisory skills, team building, coaching and project management

Technical: Typing (83 wpm), Exemplary in QuickBooks, Excellent data analysis skills with Microsoft Excel, Excellent Knowledge of Microsoft Word ,Database design in Microsoft Access, Publisher, PowerPoint, Outlook, , Quicken, Adobe Acrobat, CRM, Xact-Analysis, Pvault, DASH/RMS, Celerity, PSA, SunTrust and Wells Fargo Online Check Deposit

System, 10-key, multi-line phone systems, fax, copiers

Secretarial: Data Entry, composing, editing and proofreading contracts, reports, proposals, and correspondence. Drafting spreadsheets, diagrams, referrals, and other business materials. Develop and design company newsletter and marketing material at the request of marketing staff

Interpersonal: Generating an atmosphere of enthusiasm, interfacing with clients, medical providers and co-workers; assisting management, maintaining confidentiality, exceptional Customer Service skills, self-starter, performance driven, results oriented, prioritize and manage different tasks, self-motivated, thrives under high stress situations, works well in a fast-paced environment

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