Agnes Asis Ayo

Agnes Asis Ayo

I know how to use Microsoft Excel and word
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
50 years old
Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, Philippines
9 years

I am Agnes Asis Ayo, 43 years old, married with two kids a boy and a girl. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, I took up Methods of Teaching and a license Caregiver.

I have worked as a secretary for almost 7 years here in the Philippines, almost a year as a Personal Assistant in Qatar last February 2016, February this year. A teller and an Office assistant.

I have a lot of experiences that I treasured a lot. I still want to work but my kids are my priority then I saw this ad and some of my friends told me that I can still be earning while I am performing my task as a mother.

This is a new task, a beginning, a new way of earning but I know I can do better.

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