Abou Bakar

Abou Bakar

I'm a JavaScript developer.
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30 years old
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
2 years
ABOU BAKAR Software Engineer/ReactJs Developer 1149-1-Dll Green Town, Lahore | - |- linkedin.com/in/abou-bakar-43aaba136/ Summary Skills An aspiring developer with hands-on experience in Android and JAVA who has applied his knowledge of Android, JAVA and other technologies in developing 5 projects including sales and distribution software, looking to leverage clean coding techniques and architectural patterns. Education BS(Hons) Information Technology 2014 - 2018 University of Education, Lahore CGPA : 3.24/4.00 Work experience MERN Stack Developer Mar 2020 - Current ENOU Working as a MERN Stack Developer here. ReactJs Developer 2019 - 2020 Freelancing Working as a ReactJs developer as freelancer and Developing a website for a UK based company. Projects My Events [NextJs Application] An E-Business web application which build for a Saudi company to facilitate people to display their event spaces for customers. And customer are able to book the event places for available dates by using this application. NextJs, GraphQL, Strapi, Firebase are used to developed this application. Link: http://munasaba.co/ Trilla [NextJs Application] An Application which facilitate a courier service to provide their customer a online platform to book a shipment and than track their shipments. NextJs, GraphQL, Strapi, Firebase are used to developed this application. Link: http://trilla.co/ Sahary [MERN Stack Application] A multilingual web application build for hotel management. In which a customer book a room and other services provided by that hotel. ReactJs, NodeJs, MongoDB,RestApis and GraphQL are used to build this application. Link: http://saharyresort.com/ Link2: http://desk.saharyresort.com/ Created with ReactJS | JavaScript | JQuery HTML | CSS | Bootstrap NextJS Material-ui Redux | React Hooks NodeJs GraphQL Apollo
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