Abou Bakar

Abou Bakar

I'm a JavaScript developer.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
30 years old
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
2 years

A Software engineer, Full Stack Developer, JavaScript Developer, ReactJs & NextJS Developer & MERN Stack Developer having 3+ years professional experience.

Abou Bakar is passionate for learning & implementing new technologies, framework and libraries about JavaScript also about cloud computing.

knows about:

Web Development:

Abou Bakar is also an web developer, he has good skills in web development by using

different front-end and back-end framework or libraries of JavaScript.

1. ReactJs & NextJS

2. Web Hooks

3. React Hooks

4. Background Processes

5. Async Task

6. ReduX

7. NodeJS

8. ExpressJs

9. MongoDB

10. SSR

Mobile App Development

  • Android Application Development

  • React Native

  • Flutter

Moreover: HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap, PHP Laravel and Python Django.

GIT: Github, GITLab, BitBucket.

Jira and Trello for Team Management

Methodologies: Agile methodologies and 3-Tier Architecture.

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