Zarlin Jecel Z. Compendio

Zarlin Jecel Z. Compendio

Customer Service Specialist, Technical Support Specialist and a Registered Nurse.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
33 years old
Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines
4 years

Hi. I was once a Customer Service Specialist and a Technical Support Specialist for 4 years. I supported one of the biggest cable company in the US. I answered Billing, Sales , Repair calls and General Information calls. During my stay I earned multiple credits and awards as one of the top agent and receiving multiple 100% Customer Satisfaction Rate for multiple months. I am a team player as well I make sure that whatever our goal as a team we will strive to work on it together. I am a hardworking person. I always wants to make sure I can deliver. If I am not familiar with the job I make sure I make a research about the job and how to do it. I follow instruction and if the instruction is not clear I make sure to ask first thab doing it with any clear instruction and make mistake instead and re-do the process again. I always rely on the saying that "You have to listen not to reply but you need to listen to understand."I always apply that in my everyday job because without understanding everything will be useless and my assistance will be in no use. Also, before I let go of my customers I make sure to ask question "Is there anything else that I can do for you?"just to make sure that I answered all there concern and they will not call again in that way customer will feel heard and cared for. I am also a registered Nurse.

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