Zachary Arnt

Zachary Arnt

Data analysis
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
48 years old
Longmont, Co, United States
9 years

I am good with R for data wrangling, and finding/visualizing actionable business insights. I am also an expert eBike mechanic with a decade of troubleshooting and repair experience. I enjoy doing detailed, quality work.

Personally, I do what I can to be a responsible steward of the natural environment. I get around by bike. My ideal job is anything that will improve efficiency, contributing to the sustainability of life on earth. I am interested in helping the world reduce, reuse, and recycle in any way possible.

I am a generalist. I have studied energy technologies, physics, and languages and worked in education, technology, and retail. I like both physical, hands-on tasks, and working with data on computers. Ideally, I prefer a ratio of 50/50 physical work to desk work.

I also enjoy traveling and living simply. I am most content with just a bike, tools, a tent, and something to read as I travel across foreign countries, with adventures around every corner.

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