Yousef Hasan Mustafa

Yousef Hasan Mustafa

I am an Teacher, Translator and Writer.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
31 years old
Amman, Amman, Jordan
6 years

I have 6 years experiences in the following fields: Proofreading, Translations, Content Writing, and Transcription.
I am very professional and tidy and always get the job done. I have my own office and even when the job given to me is too big I have a team of professionals working with me to get it done. Besides teaching, I have worked on several Brochures, Newspapers, School Books, magazines and countless websites.
I have always gotten the job done and have never had any disagreements with any of my clients about a job I have done for them. Most of my clients are long time clients since they can rely on me and the work I do for them.

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