I am a Magento1/Magento2 Certified Frontend Developer with rich experience of building robust web applications. I am a full stack developer with extensive knowledge of developing both backend and frontend on platforms like magento1/2, shopware, prestashop, shopify, bigcommerce(Certified) and bespoke php frameworks like codeigniter, laravel etc.
The technologies and tools i am familiar with are mentioned below.
Familiar with HTML, CSS, Php, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, ReactJs, VueJs, Vue Storefront
Hand-on working experience on most popular e-commerce platform Magento1/2, BigCommerce, Shopify, wordPress, Shopware5/6, Prestashop
Hand-on working knowledge of Magento1/2 development
Hands-on knowledge of CodeIgniter and Laravel frameworks
Familiar with Server level commands and Linux environment.
Familiar with collaboration tool Git
Familiar with Agile way of project management.