Walker Rowe

Walker Rowe

Big data programmer and tech writer
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Hourly ($/hour)
64 years old
Hammamet, Hammamet, Tunisia
25 years
Contact Lyons, France - (Mobile)- www.linkedin.com/in/walkerrowe (LinkedIn) southernpacificreview.com (Personal) Top Skills Walker Rowe American Big Data Analytics freelance Programmer and Tech Writer. Villeurbanne, Rhône-Alpes, France Summary I am an American big data and analytics freelance programmer and tech writer. Python Scala Big Data Languages French (Limited Working) English (Native or Bilingual) Spanish (Professional Working) Certifications Certificat Pratique de Français Commercial et Économique Publications Experience self employed Big Data Analytics Programmer and Freelance Tech Writer March 2011 - Present Lyon Area, France I am an American freelance tech writer and programmer. I write code and tech documents. I have a mathematics background and know Scala, Python, Java, logistic regression, k-means clustering, linear regression, and neural networks with TensorFlow, Keras, and SparkML. I know Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, A History of Virginia Wines from Grapes to Glass MongoDB, Pig, Hive, MapReduce (Java and Scala), and ElasticSearch. Wandering through Virginia's Vineyards I speak English natively, French conversationally, and Spanish fluently. The Avocado Republic of Chile: Because it's too Cold to Grow Bananas Here is some of my writing and code. Wine, Communism, and Volcanos http://www.bmc.com/blogs/author/walker_rowe/ https://www.techtarget.com/contributor/Walker-Rowe Keras Binary Classification https://github.com/werowe/KerasExample/blob/ master/KerasBinaryClassification.py TensorFlow Neural Network https://github.com/werowe/ tripAdvisorNeuralNetworkTensorFlow Apache Spark Preventive Maintenance https://github.com/werowe/ preventiveMaintenanceLogitReg Sckit-learn linear regression https://github.com/werowe/ sckilearnLinearRegression/blob/master/logitRegSckitLearn.md Page 1 of 4 Bias and Variance https://github.com/werowe/biasandvariance/blob/master/ biasandvairance.py TensorFlow GPU vs CPU benchmark https://github.com/werowe/canonical Spark Streaming Stock Monitor https://github.com/werowe/ sparkStreamingScala/blob/master/stockStreamingMonitor.scala PM Scala https://github.com/werowe/sparkMLPipelin/blob/master/ PMSpark.scala NeoSecure Senior Engineer March 2011 - June 2012 (1 year 4 months) Santiago, CHILE CA Identity Manager, LDAP, ArcSight, and Siteminder. Java, Python, Perl developer. CSC independent contractor October 2009 - March 2011 (1 year 6 months) Java developer. Technical lead for ArcSight implementation. Sprint Nextel Oracle Xellerate IDM developer and administrator July 2006 - March 2009 (2 years 9 months) Siteminder, LDAP, Microsoft and Oracle Xellerate Identity Manager. CSC independent contractor June 2005 - June 2006 (1 year 1 month) Siteminder and LDAP administrator. Waste Management, Inc. independent contractor April 2004 - May 2005 (1 year 2 months) Siteminder and LDAP administrator. Bristol-Myers Squibb independent contractor December 2002 - March 2004 (1 year 4 months) Page 2 of 4 Princeton, New Jersey Siteminder and LDAP administrator. Hewlett-Packard Professional Services Consultant February 2001 - November 2002 (1 year 10 months) Siteminder professional services engineer at Netegrity (now HP). Sallie Mae independent contractor May 2000 - January 2001 (9 months) Worked at Sallie Mae Solutions doing software installation, administration, and programming as Oracle Financials DBA. Rowe Consulting Owner and President January 1996 - April 2000 (4 years 4 months) President and owner of software company with 10 employees. Clients including Bob Dole for President, BMW, Lucent Technologies, Philips Lighting. Wrote accounting software for clients in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. Worked on SAP projects doing EDI and ABAP. Accenture Senior Consultant March 1993 - September 1995 (2 years 7 months) Senior consultant. Vista Systems programmer August 1991 - May 1993 (1 year 10 months) C++ developer. System Dynamics programmer May 1990 - August 1991 (1 year 4 months) COBOl programmer. Automated Design Systems programmer August 1985 - January 1990 (4 years 6 months) Page 3 of 4 Installed banking software at client sites. COBOL programmer. Education The George Washington University - School of Business MBA, Information Technology · (1991 - 1993) University of South Carolina BS, math · (1980 - 1984) Page 4 of 4
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