Vlad Aituganov

Vlad Aituganov

Front-end and operations.
Key Value
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
29 years old
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 years

Currently I make predictable front-end, which solves problems in a new way.
I love creating working, beautiful things.

My vision:

  • At first, I started noticing problems in the field of my studies, particularly: Fragile and Unpredictable software. All the software I have written and seen has suffered from the same number of problems.
  • Second, I have started looking for ways to solve these problems, and found React exceptionally suited for Front-End work, and Erlang/OTP - for Back-End.
  • Finally, having this view, I had to bring it to the world and solve old problems in a predictable and efficient way.

My principles have been:

  • Communicate clearly
  • Join the best team possible
  • Bring your vision into, and take it from the team
  • Create something meaningful
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