Virginia Marie Espiritu

Virginia Marie Espiritu

Data Entry Specialist, Content Writer, Customer Service, Data Research and Mining
Virtualnook Hub
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Quezon City, NCR, Philippines
2 years
VIRGINIA MARIE L. ESPIRITU LOCATION CELLPHONE E-MAIL QUEZON CITY - - OBJECTIVE To be able to apply my skills, knowledge and to enhance my personal abilities as well as develop and go up the career ladder REFERENCE WORK EXPERIENCE EDUCATION High School Tutor | Power Plus Enrichment Center July 2014-December 2014 - Philippine Normal University Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology for Education Prepares daily review materials | Coaches tutees to sharpen their skills and understanding in their subjects| Rates students’ performance to improve grades and enhance competitiveness Customer Service Representative | Accout |SPi Global January 9, 2015 – March 23, 2015 Sales account| Also handles back office support Customer Account Executive | Comcast West Division | Convergys Philippines April 6, 2015 – September 2015 Technical Support with Billing | Troubleshoots and assists customers | Offers upgrade and processes sales | Chat Support Representative | Largo Chat | Expert Global Solutions (EGS) February 8, 2015 – present Customer Service support with Billing | Prompt resolutions to customer inquiries | - San Bartolome High School Engineering and Science Education Program- Francisco School PERSONAL INFORMATION DATE OF BIRTH: SEPTEMBER 27, 1996 AGE: 20 YEARS OLD NATIONALITY: FILIPINO CIVIL STATUS: SINGLE WEIGHT: 65 KGS. HEIGHT: 5’4” I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct based on my knowledge and beliefs. _________________________ Virginia Marie L. Espiritu APPLICANT
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