Umair Abid

Umair Abid

Financial Reporting, Financial Accounting, Auditing
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
36 years old
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
4 years
UMAIR ABID Address  Telephone  E-mail  Residence Karachi, Pakistan Mobile - Personal - OBJECTIVE Seeking a challenging opportunity to demonstrate my organisational skills and educational achievement and aim for simultaneous achievement of corporate and personal goals in a rewarding organisation PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC EDUCATION Particulars Institute Year Status Chartered Accountant The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) 2019 Final Level Certified in Accounting and Finance The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) 2015 Qualified PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A member firm of the KPMG International network June 2015 to date (3 years and 10 months) KPMG TASEER HADI & CO. Responsibilities and Expertise – Audit and Assurance Department I am presently working as Audit Senior in the Audit and Assurance Department. During my 3 years and 10 months External Audit experience my key responsibilities here include:         Leading teams through planning, execution and completion stages of audit. Engagement planning based on understanding of the entity and assessment of business and related audit risks. Coordination with the team, manager and supervision, review and finalization of assurance engagements. Liaison with client's management and communication of relevant matters to persons at appropriate level of responsibility. Consultation on significant matters with various professionals such as lawyers, tax advisors, actuaries and IT experts. Assisting clients in preparation of financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework including compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), local corporate laws and directives of regulatory authorities. Establishing positive working environment by building vigorous relationships with team members, clients and other stakeholders. On-the-job training and professional development of staff. The experience in the Audit Department of the firm has enabled me to develop an understanding of regulatory environment of diversified industries, key business processes, the accounting and internal control systems of several organizations. Following are the most significant clients in various sectors and related engagements that have contributed to my professional growth: KPMG Pakistan Experience Consumer and Industrial Products and Services     ZIL Limited (Listed Soap Company) Half Yearly Audit & Annual Audit Tapal Tea Private Limited - Annual Audit Wazir Ali Industries Limited (Group entity of Dalda Foods Pvt. Limited) - Annual Audit Nando's Pakistan Private Limited (Food Chain Industry) – Annual Audit Non-Profit Organization (NPO)  Pakistan Life Saving Foundation (PALS) - Annual Audit Real Estate  Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority, Karachi (DHA Karachi) – Annual Audit Wealth Management and Mutual Funds  Financial-Sector (FS) and Funds Jahangir Siddique (JS) Funds - JS Cash Fund. - Unit Trust of Pakistan Brokerage House Habib Metropolitan Financial Services Limited Banks  Branch Controls Testing - Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Limited - Habib Metro Bank Limited  Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR) - Habib Metro Bank Limited OTHERS Internal Audit, Statutory Reports and Certifications     Internal/External Agreed upon procedures of Stock taking, Branch Audit KPMG Accounting Assignment (Expert advice of on Oracle EBS Implementation) Certification for Bahrain office remittances of JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited. Certification on compliance with various requirements of the Code of Corporate Governance, Companies Ordinance, 1984 and other applicable laws for various clients. UMAIR ABID PERSONAL INFORMATION Marital Status: Single Date of Birth: February 10,1989 Language Proficiency: English, Urdu, Punjabi Nationality: Pakistani Gender: Male Geographical Preference: Willing to relocate and can travel for official assignments IT AND OTHER PROFICIENCIES EXTRA-CURRICULAR / ACHIEVEMENTS  Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, particularly MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint  On hand practical experience of using KPMG special audit software E-Audit.  Attended various in-house workshops & training sessions on the subject of KPMG Audit Methodology.  On hand practical experience of using IDEA and MUS.  User-level knowledge of SAP - FICO systems.  User-level knowledge of Oracle - EBS systems.  Gave Professional training to KPMG Staff on New Accounting standards.  Captain of the cricket teams for interclass and inter school tournaments  Fastest runner of the school for consecutive 4 years  Best athlete of the school. REFERENCES Will be furnished upon request. AVAILABILITY Subject to one month notice / waiver may be availed
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