Udatta Chowdhury

Udatta Chowdhury

A second year undergrad student of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
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24 years old
New Delhi, Delhi/new Delhi, India
1 year
Udatta Chowdhury RZ - 102 A, KHUSHIRAM PARK, UTTAM NAGAR NEW DELHI, 110059 (- udattachowdhury2000@gmail .com EDUCATION SKILLS ● Bennett University, Greater Noida, India​ - E ​ lectronics and Communication Engineering Thorough with HTML coding. JUNE 2019 - MAY 2023 Google Certified Digital Marketer (Social Media ● Pragati Public School, New Delhi, India​ - ​Senior Secondary Education Marketing Specialist) MARCH 2016 - APRIL 2018. Good typing speed of 45 WPM. ● ● Scored 71% Pragati Public School, New Delhi, India - S ​ econdary Education Active listener (5/5) Communication (4.7/5) APRIL 2005 - FEBRUARY 2016 ● Scored 94% EXPERIENCE Teamwork (5/5) Decision Making (4.5/5) ● Internship with Trustvardi(Social Media Marketing) ● Currently working with ‘LetsGetFame’(Social Media Marketing) ● Participated in coding competitions at junior and high school. AWARDS ● Participated in various debate competitions, speech competitions and extempore. Secured distinction in ● Participated in various quiz competitions. ● Also took tuitions for junior school students. ● I did a part time data-entry job for a local company. PROJECTS (No projects in Digital Marketing Field) ● Python Based Intelligent Airship - Zeppelin ​ ​Zeppelin is a type of rigid airship. It is different from the A traditional drones. The project is yet not completed, due to unavailability of a material in our country. This project is very helpful in various fields. It can gather information and data for a particular area for a long period of time. Management (4.3/5) International Australian Mathematics Olympiad Secured positions in various olympiads LANGUAGES English, Hindi, Bengali
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