Tuhin  Das

Tuhin Das

IT Consultant
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
50 years old
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
12 years

I am a CLIENT SUCCESS MANAGER and Business Analyst at Aquarious Technology. I may come to you as a hyper communicative individual but as Aquarious Technology we firmly believe “COMMUNICATION IS KEY” to a happy client. My natural strengths are my ability to identify and diagnose problems. Most importantly, I pride myself on influencing others to work towards a common goal and make them feel engaged and vested in the project’s success.


I have been working in client acquisition, account management and business analysis for about 9 YEARS, and I specialize in helping companies develop, monitor, and improve business systems and processes through software solutions. In the last 9 years, I have helped more than 150 clients in 9 different industries transforming their traditional processes and ensuring more than 3X returns on their investment by recommending proper web, commerce and mobility solutions.

My objective is to continue excelling as a business analyst while adding value to my clients during various phases of software projects.


• Overall experience of 11 years in IT

• Expert in Business Analysis – handling of requirements and documentation

• Expert in Client Communication

• Expert Project Manager with Scrum

• Very good knowledge of Process and Workflow building and visualization via UML modeling

• Deep knowledge in different industries like; Mobile applications, eCommerce.


✅ Communication: I speak fluently English. Time for response to clients is a

maximum of 6 hours.

✅ Technical Skills: PHP, CMSs (Magneto, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Shopify,

OpenCart, etc.), leading Open Source Frameworks (CakePHP, Zend,

CodeIgniter, Laravel, Symfony), Mobile applications - both native (iOS and

Android) and cross-platform (Flutter)

✅ Business Analysis - Specialist in Software Documentation (SRS, Use Cases,

User stories, Functional Descriptions )

✅ Tools & Systems - MS Project, Jira, Confluence, Redmine, UML, MS Stack,MS Visio, Balsamiq, Invision, Zeplin, Basecamp, Trello.

✅ Management tools: Jira, Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Airtable, GitLab

✅ Availability: 20-40 hours per week

✅ Communication tools: Hangout, Skype, Slack, Zoom

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