Tetiana Pelykh

Tetiana Pelykh

UI/UX Designer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland
1 year
PROFILE I am an open-minded UI/UX Designer with a freelance experience and extensive Customer Support background. UX design inspires me the way it contributes to product success. I love helping people “from the other side of the screen” and making their user experience as smooth as possible. My aim is to become a part of a forward-thinking team that generates creative solutions in modern highly digital world. Open for relocation and hold the work permit within Poland. Hello! I’m Tetiana Pelykh : EDUCATION Master's degree National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic p @gmail.com phone: - location: Krakow, Poland email tania elykh2 PORTFOLIO behance.net/taniapelykh SKILLS Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics 2007 - 2013 Kyiv, Ukraine Conferences & Courses Certificates University of Virginia, Coursera Design sc oo Fundamentals of Project Planning Mobile App Design Fedoriv agency, Kyiv Ca ifornia Institute of t e Art “ rand Father” course - UI/UX design, Coursera product development “ p Web Design: HTML + CSS B h l Sochnik, Kharkiv l & Interaction design Wireframes Communication Prototyping User empathy z UX Research Self-organi ation Presentation Critical thinking S h / UI UX designe r 3 Freelance 0 /2020 - now Designing problem-solving interfaces for mobile apps and web according to users needs j & business requirements. Pro ect Manager Group 3 Eclipse Adobe InDesign The In ision project scope, budget control, and reporting of current activities. Jira Photoshop G GS LAN UA E English Ukrainian ” WORK EXPERIENCE Figma V s Education center Pers ectiva consumer psychology UI design TOOL Institute' 10/2019 - 0 /2020 z full life cycle of the project/event organi ation, valuation of Senior Customer Support Specialist Revolut LTD 08/2018 - 10/2019 Providing support for Europe customers, processing of Banking z General Services and card operations, organi ing trainings for junior agents. mer Service Specialist Custo ACER UA Russian Handling Polish ways of working. 8 07/2015 - 05/201 q a range of customer in uiries within agreed processed I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the European Parliament's and Council of the European Union Regulation on the Protection of Natural Persons as of 27 April 2016, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
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