Temitope Kenneth-Jatto

Temitope Kenneth-Jatto

Content Creator and Digital Marketer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
5 years
Temitope Kenneth-Jatto| Digital Marketer and Content Developer Location: ​25, Joseph Street, OkeagbeEstate,Ojodu-Berger, Lagos. Telephone: ​- Email:-Website: ​www.temitoria.com Professional profile Temitope is extremely excited to create content. This has encouraged her to write for various media firms and on different social media platforms. With a blogging experience of five years, she found herself interested in marketing content digitally and personally developed ways to understand the field. This enthusiasm has also informed her decision to take a digital skills course with Google to improve her knowledge in digital marketing. Career summary May, 2017 - Present Total Recall, Lagos Digital Marketer/ Event Executive Outline Develop a distinct online presence by attracting high numbers of internet followers through social media channels. Key responsibilities ● create and upload copy and images for the organization’s website; ● research new online media opportunities that may benefit the business including social media, development of blogs and forums; ● conduct keyword research and web statistics reporting; ● contribute to social media engagement ● ● SEO implementation ● Create content for the blog and magazine. use web analytics software to monitor the performance of client websites and make recommendations for improvement Key achievements/projects ● Joined company in birthing a new business venture and created the by-line that the business uses till today. ● Increased the company’s Instagram engagement and increased the followership on Social Media. E.g. Instagram grew from 5,500 to 8, 886. April 2016 – September 2016 Goldmyne Entertainment, Lagos Content Developer Outline ● Created original content for the company’s website. ● Gathering, organizing and editing information for publication. Key responsibilities ● Choose subject matter that interests readers. ● Work with editors and clients to shape materials so it can be published. ● Manage the blog community by moderating and responding to comments. ● SEO implementation ● Write nonfiction biographies ● Conduct research to obtain factual information and authentic detail. ● Write content for the blog. Page Key achievements/projects ● Created new content categories for the blog. October, 2015– April 2016 NGTrends, Lagos Blogger Outline Wrote publishable entertainment stories and updated the blog regularly. April 2014 – August 2014 Ventures Africa, Lagos Intern Outline Learned the art of business writing and research for writers and carried out interview poll project that got featured on the company’s YouTube site. January 2013 – Present Temitoria.com, Lagos Administrator and Social Media Manager December 2012 – January 2017 Blazers Magazine, Lagos ​Contributor February 2014 Identita Brand Concepts and Pepsi, Lagos Online Content Manager September – December 2013 Joks Pepper Konsult, Lagos ​Event Supervisor Education& qualifications 2018 Google Digital Skills Certification (Online Marketing Fundamentals) 2015 National Youth Service Corps 2014 B.A, B.ED (Education English) University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos. 2008 WASSCE, Rita College, Yakoyo, Lagos State​. 2002 Primary School Leaving Certificate, Hephzibah Wisdom School, Lagos State. References available on request Page
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