Tareq Salaheledeen

Tareq Salaheledeen

Software Development Engineer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
33 years old
Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
3 years

My name is Tarek Salah I graduated from Faculty of engineering in Alexandria university with Bachelor degree in computer engineering.My grade was excellent of distinction award.

Currently I'm fullstack software engineer with 2+ years of experience, I have developed a wide range of applications using Mean Stack (Node.js, Express, Angular.js and Mongodb).
Also I have worked in text-mining applications that include supervised and unsupervised learning also include online stream processing.

Back-end skills:

  • Node.js

Natural Language Processeing

  • Solr - Lucene

Front-end skills:

  • JavaScript - Backbone / AJAX / jQuery / jQuery Mobile
  • HTML5 / CSS3


  • Mongodb /Salesforce / Redis / Couchdb / MySQL

And of course:

  • Linux / Windows / MacOSX
  • MVC / OOP
  • Git
No languages
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