A dedicated CA-Finalist with over 12 years of experience in the fields of Auditing, Taxation, Finance and Accounts management.
Being a confident, multi-skilled & capable professional, I possess an excellent knowledge of Auditing, Taxation, Corporate, finance & accounting procedures. Moreover, I am fully acquainted with exceptional analytical & problem solving skills. Also proficient in developing and implementing financial systems, strategies, processes and controls for significantly improving P&L scenarios. Expert in establishing accounting functions, systems and best practices; cost-reduction, automation and tax strategies; and lasting business relationships to ensure goal-surpassing fiscal performance. Having a proven ability to drive out inefficiencies
through process improvement as well as assist in the maintenance & development of financial systems and accounting procedures.
WORK EXPERIENCE in a Defence Sector Organisation
Manager Finance
(March 12, 2018 to date)
Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IAS and IFRSs.
Determining the proportionate cost of manpower, machines, utilized stores etc to be deposited in Govt treasury.
Preparation of financial management reports including financial planning and forecasting.
Maintenance of record of all commercial inventories and its utilization in production and keep the record of inventory
available in coordination with concerned factories
Prepare costing tables to workout estimated price of various products.
Preparation of all relevant reports and returns regarding sales/exports.
Handling of Sales Tax, Income Tax, Federal Excise duty matters with FBR and other Govt deptts
Monitoring and reporting the project cost data and Variance analysis with actual cost of production
Develop, organize and implement sustainable procedures for regular audit / monitoring of accounts.
Audit Manager
(July 26, 2013 to February 28, 2018)
Audit Supervisor
(July 1, 2012 -May 24, 2013)
Audit Associate
(February 11, 2011 - June 30, 2012)
Audit Assistant
(November 25, 2009 - February 10, 2011)
The experience at the Audit and Assurance Services section of the firm has enabled me to develop an understanding of the regulatory environments of diversified industries, key business processes and the accounting and internal control systems of several organizations. I lead large teams through the planning, execution and conclusion stages of statutory audits and other varied special
nature engagements.
Managing client relationship;
Coordinating with professionals of various fields like legal, actuarial and IT experts and decision-making for
resolution of critical reportable matters;
Assisting clients in preparation of financial statements in accordance with the financial reporting frameworks
applicable in Pakistan, which includes compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards, local corporate
laws and directives of regulatory authorities;
Recommendations to the management.
Drafting of reports and management letters highlighting internal control weaknesses and the risk involved,
business improvement points and suggestions,
Supervising, coordinating and appraising work of support staff and ensuring that audit objectives are efficiently
achieved within the agreed time-scale,
Executing audit procedures (including analytical review procedures) in accordance with the International Standards
on Auditing,
Complete book keeping, bank reconciliation and accounts analysis,
Evaluating internal control systems, identifying control weaknesses and making appropriate recommendations to
the management.
Major Industries Regarding Internal And External Audit
Government and semi government organizations
Natural reserves extraction and mining industry
Trusts and Cooperative societies, Printing corporations
Textile Industries
Hotel industries
Construction Companies
Automobiles dealerships
Educational and Non Profit organizations