Sylla Yacouba

Sylla Yacouba

Web developer
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Hourly ($/hour)
45 years old
8 years
SYLLA YACOUBA ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST 00225 | - |- Software Engineer Object-Oriented Analysis  Design and Development  Relational Database Systems Innovative software engineer offering experience in the full software development lifecycle – from concept through delivery of next-generation applications and customizable solutions. Dynamic software engineer skilled at developing complex solutions possessing strong creative thinking skills, high energy and integrity Technical Tools Java, JavaScript, .Net, XML, J2EE,PHP,Zend framework, HTML5,CSS3, REST, SOAP, Visual Studio .Net, Eclipse, SQL, MS SQL Server, MySQL, JQuery, Android, C, C#,, Apache Tomcat, IIS, Google Apps and more Professional Experience Software Engineer, Mar 2015 to Oct 2016 – HYPERACCESS SYSTEMS, Abidjan, CIV Provide object-oriented software (OOS) design for one of the telecommunication company. Develop and customize software for diverse client base. Achievement Highlights: Contributed software engineering expertise in the development of products through the software lifecycle, from requirements definition through successful deployment. Modified existing software to correct errors, upgrade interfaces and improve performance. Participated in sales presentations due to ability to translate user needs into easy-to-understand software solutions. Excelled at rapid application development and management of technological issues for assigned projects, earning the highest customer satisfaction rating for all software solutions delivered. Researched, designed and implemented scalable applications for information identification, extraction, analysis, retrieval and indexing. Software Engineer, Jan 2009 to Jul 2014 – INFOTRONIQUE, Abidjan, CIV Assisted in the design and development of user information solutions and Internet applications for a leading financial services company. Achievement Highlights: Provided user requirements analysis, design and programming support for enhancement of Web application generating more than 200 million XOF per year. Directed software design and development while remaining focused on client needs. Worked closely with other team members to plan, design and develop robust solutions in a timely manner. Researched, designed and implemented scalable applications Education Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSEE) ITA(INSTITUT DES TECHNOLOGIES D’ABIDJAN – Abidjan, CIV
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