Sreesha R

Sreesha R

Reducing customer effort
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28 years old
Ernakulam, Kerala, India
4 years
SREESHA R E- MAIL ID:- MOBILE: - CAREER OBJECTIVE I wish to exhibit my technical and analytical skills in any challenging and committed environment with professionals, thereby widening my quest for knowledge. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION Bachelor of Computer Application Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. 73% - (2016) Studies Focused in Circuit Structures and its applications, Studies imparted with good communication skills. H.S.C., Biology-Maths Government Higher Secondary School, Tholanur, Palakkad, Kerala 75% - 12th Grade (2013). SSLC Government Higher Secondary School, Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad, Kerala .75% - 10th Grade (2011). WORKING EXPERIENCE Worked with “AGS Healthcare, Chennai” for 1 year. Worked at Indiaoptions as Software Tester. 4 Months experience in voice process at Techspine, Infopark kochi. 3 years experience in Sutherland global services as Customers service associate in Cochin PROJECTDETAILS The project is about visa processing by online.Front-end is ASP.Net and Back-end is SQL.This process will reduces the manual work and this project will help to complate the work easily.Visa processing is a very important department in every organization. This type of organizations is frequently sending their employees for their overseas clients. My project is used to process their visa and store all the details regarding the passport holder. My project will handle all type of visas, and very much concentrate in visa processing. PERSONAL STRENGTH Willing to work in all Environments. Strong leadership skills with an ability to build, develop and lead result oriented team. TECHNICAL EXPERTISE ∙ Software : MS Office suite, visual studio,QTP,QC, LoadRunner,Selenium,jmeter ∙ Operating System : Windows7, windows8, windows 10, LinuxMint ∙ Languages : C, Basics of C++, C#,java,VB Script,HTML CURRICULAR &CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Attended seminar about mobile hardware and services in Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. Attended workshop on networking Project was done about online visa process. PERSONAL DETAILS Father’s Name : RAMADAS M D.O.B : 10/4/1996 Languages known : Malayalam, English Address for communication : Maruthalparambu (ho), Peruvembu, Palakkad, Kerala - 678531. PLACE:Sreesha.R DATE:SIGNATURE
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