Snr Masara

Snr Masara

Full Stack web Developer, Graphic Designer, Cinematographer Cyber Security Expert
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
26 years old
Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya
1 year

I am a highly competent IT professional with 1 year of experience as a junior, full-stack developer.

My skills include;

Leadership skills

Analytical and problem-solving skills

Programming and development skills

Business intelligence skills

Digital marketing skills

Graphic designing skills

Cinematography skills.

I have proficiency in;

Web application development i.e. front-end (Vue and Tailwind CSS), backend (Laravel and raw PHP),

Use of Content Management Systems(CMS) i.e. WordPress and Joomla,

Use of adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, adobe premiere pro, and adobe after effects for graphic design and cinematography.

In addition, I am also proficient in using power BI for business intelligence

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