Sifiso Mpila

Sifiso Mpila

I do a wide variety of work, including many kinds of writing, music & video editing.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
31 years old
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1 year

I have a broad collection of skills and talents, which is why I am freelancing, to apply them, would be a waste not to, It would be like paying medical insurance and never getting sick. Here are some of the things I am good at. As a chemical engineering student, I have written many reports and thesis, captured and analysed data. As a filmmaker (through film societies), I've written and formatted scripts for short films and plays, operated cameras during filming. As a music producer, I have produced local music for friends and composed for short films. I have tutoring experience with Physics and Math (high school level and first year university level). I know my way around all the microsoft tools as you can imagine I used them on a day to day basis at university. I am also a lover of art in general (movies, music) I am a very open minded individual, hence the skills. Lastly, I love sports, but I suck at it (except volley ball, I'm good), maybe that explains why I am so good at other things.

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