Shilpi Verma

Shilpi Verma

Accounting & Designing
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
0 years
SHILPI VERMA F I A N A N C E C O N T A C T 0 1 - P R O F E S S I O N A L A N A L Y S T P R O F I L E I am an MBA graduate specialisation in Finance. I can prepare Finalization and Analysis of Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss statements, Reconciliation, Ledger & Journal as well. Cash Flow statement & Accounting according to GAAP & IFRS standards. I can maintain accounting in Tally, Excel & in Quickbooks. -4972, Sanjay nagar, Bareilly-0 2 E X P E R T I S E E D U C A T I O N S K I L L S M A S T E R S ( M B A ) Accounting I N F I N A N C E - 7 6 % Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam university -) Analytical Thinking Post graduated in Finance & HR Financial Analysis Class-Representative in MBA Quickbooks B A C H E L O R S C O M M E R C E I N ( H O N S ) - 6 0 % MJPRU University -) MySQL Studied Income-Tax, Management Accounting, Auditing & Taxation in Bachelor L A N G U A G E English 0 3 P R O J E C T S Hindi I N T E R E S T Books Digital Calligraphy Project on Balrampur Chini Mill's F I N A N C I A L A N A L Y S I S Worked on the Financial Accounts of the company with Ratio Analysis Project on Performance Analysis of Vadilal Co. P E R F O R M A N C E A N A L Y S I S By using a 360 degree analysis
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