Shawna Wilkinson

Shawna Wilkinson

Administrative | Creative | Project Coordination
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Laurens, South Carolina, United States
10 years
SHAWNA A. WILKINSON Laurens, SC 29360 ( Telecommunte, available for 10% travel) - |-| PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ignite Homeschool Academy: Easley, SC 2017 - 2019 PROJECT COORDINATOR Retained a friendly and professional demeanor when communicating with teachers and students regarding class cancellations, rescheduling, changes, and other matters. • Assisted in coordinating volunteers and operations by training volunteers and prioritizing/assigning projects while provided guidance on professional responsibilities and technical skills for top performance. • Assessed and communicated program priorities and performance standards to assure success. • Facilitated creative changes in educational processes and evaluated program execution quality, empowering and engaging teachers, parents, and caregivers to optimize student achievement. • Collaborated with front-line staff members to design and implement daily age-appropriate lesson/activity plans. • Facilitated all facets of the admissions process and contributed to a 15% boost in enrollment. • Served as elementary teacher coordinator overseeing the elementary classes, including selecting curriculum, planning school year calendars for each subject, and participating in student and/or parent meetings. • Maintained the coop website on the homeschool-life server and created various flyers, newsletters, and all media material in support of enhanced marketing efforts. • Assisted in identifying and integrating relevant curriculum for elementary through high school classes to increase student learning continually. • Created, edited, and revised documentation for the registration process, family handbook, teacher handbook, volunteer information and student resources. Zoe Natural Creations: North Charleston, SC 2012 - 2018 CREATIVE MANAGER/FOUNDER Spearheaded all aspects of daily operations, focusing on strategic planning, merchandising, and marketing to drive continued business growth for a natural body care products business. • Identified and managed internal and external resources to ensure all deliverables and deadlines are met. • Fostered, updated, and maintained weekly status reports to execute creative and design initiatives. • Established key procedures for improving the organizational efficiency of the product inventory management process and generated cost savings when ordering raw materials via negotiations. • Managed all social media accounts utilizing various design tools and managed the web portal/e-commerce business website, leading to increased sales and new followers. • Boosted additional sales by participating in several pop-up shops, markets, and shows. • Formulated innovative recipes and created all products for a natural body care company, continually increasing annual sales year over year. • Designed creative labels and engaging marketing materials to optimize product images and boost consumer interest, leading to revenue growth. • Selected as a member of the Artisan Group, sending products to celebrity events such as the Golden Globes and MTV Music Awards and a list of celebrity mothers for Mother’s Day. Centrum: North Charleston, SC 2001 - 2012 SR. TECHNICAL ANALYST: 2007 - 2012 Provided Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) to the PMW120 Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Project, ensuring the project requirements were completed on time, under budget, and above expectations. • Support included sustainment logistics, life cycle support for all ILS products, performing logistic analysis and providing logistics management. Developed, updated, and maintained DD61 Requests for Nomenclature within the Joint Electronics Type Designation Automated System (JETDAS), Configuration Data Management Database – Open Architecture (CDMD-OA) workfiles, Configuration Management Professional (CMPro) entries and other technical documentation including provisioning via ICAPS. Updated the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) for the Logistics portion utilizing Microsoft Office Project and tracked all Logistics Group tasks within IMS. Implemented the use and creation of IUID labels on qualifying equipment. • Analyzed project needs and developed strategic solutions while procuring, shipping, and receiving equipment for kits and Pack-Up Kits, increasing cost savings with exceptional vendor negotiations. • Maintained and updated numerous spreadsheets and databases involving parts lists for all MDA locations, inhouse inventory lists, and overall project equipment and cost lists. • Directed workflow, provided communication to the team, guided, and mentored direct reports.. • Held a Secret clearance Shawna A. Wilkinson, Resume – Page 2 - |- HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR: 2003 - 2006 • Recruited, interviewed, and conducted orientation for new employees, assuring the selection of qualified candidates for each position. • Administered and maintained key benefit forms, personnel files, and related information to support vital human resources initiatives and procedures. • Directed and updated core HR policies and procedures on employee relations, contributing to increased employee satisfaction. • Performed regular and consistent timesheet audits for the entire division, leading to an excellent rating from the Defense Contract Audit Agency. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: 2001 - 2003 Provided direct support to C-Suite members managing calendars, scheduling appointments, coordinating travel arrangements and preparing agendas, presentations, documents, spreadsheets, databases and schedules with accuracy. • Cross-coordinated all management meetings and office events, ensuring events ran smoothly and within budget. • Tracked spending on numerous U.S. Department of Defense contract delivery orders and resolved balances against corporate accounting system with extreme accuracy. • Created and maintained comprehensive spreadsheets for all office purchase requests and purchase orders to assist in tracking progress on all delivery orders. ACF: Summerville, SC 1998 – 2001 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Created and maintained a detailed membership database and coordinated all weekly scheduling for Senior Pastor. • Participated in all event planning with a focus on handling schedule updates/revisions to ensure 100% accuracy. • Designed all flyers, bulletins, inserts, brochures, manuals, letters, memos, and other communications with consistent messaging. Advantage Advertising: MT Pleasant, SC 1997 – 1998 PRODUCTION ASSOCIATE / GRAPHIC DESIGNER Spearheaded the design/creation and production of all printed materials for clients, obtaining client satisfaction. • Created volume 2 of the Town of Mt. Pleasant's tourism and relocation magazine, the Guest Guide, April '98, and assisted in completing Volume 1 of the Guest Guide, August ’97. Acted as a liaison between the client and printing companies to obtain the best price, quality, and schedule for clients. CATgraphics: Charleston, SC 1996 – 1997 OFFICE MANAGER / WEB CONTENT COORDINATOR Created, coded, and maintained customer websites, including New York Times Best Selling author, Fern Michaels. • Liaised with all clients through all production stages (creative, proofing, revisions, updates, etc.) and registered their websites with search engines, listings, and news groups. ADDITIONAL CREDENTIALS C E R T I F I C AT I O N S GOOGLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROJECT EXECUTION, COURSERA, IN PROGRESS GOOGLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROJECT PLANNING, COURSERA, 2021 G O O G L E P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T , P R O J E C T I N I T I AT I O N , C O U R S E R A , 2 0 2 1 G O O G L E F O U N D AT I O N S O F P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T , C O U R S E R A , 2 0 2 1 TECHNOLOGY & TOOLS Microsoft Office Suite / Google Workplace / Adobe InDesign / Adobe Photoshop / Canva / Sprout Social / iWork / Zoom / Hoot Suite / WordPress / Mailchimp / SurveyMonkey / Dropbox / Square E D U C AT I O N Bullard Havens Regional Vocational Technical High School, Bridgeport, CT High School Diploma with a focus on Graphic Communications
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