Sharine Lou Llamelo Rafanan

Sharine Lou Llamelo Rafanan

Graphic Designing / Social Media Management / Project Management
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Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Santiago City, Isabela, Philippines
6 years

One thing a person can learn from me is being ASSERTIVE. I possess

the quality of being strong that creates impact to my surroundings. In

fact, I have undergone different kinds of highs and lows, but with great

determination to aim for the better, it enabled and still enables me to

surpass them and to be consistent to my attitude in any endeavor that

time offers.

I am PURPOSEFUL. I vision. I aim. I always have the inner

determination to achieve something and it does not stop me to do so. I

always plan by beginning at the end of mind which I think of the

expected outcome first before any other steps.

With several years of experience in the digital age, I was also able

to know more about myself especially of how goals should be achieved.

With that being said, I am GOAL-ORIENTED. I am eagerly driven by purpose.

I am not easily getting swayed by negative forces around me because I

am laser-focused. With that, I mean, I firmly stick to my core.

Tasks are bound by time and it help me become DECISIVE. I

characterize the ability to decide firmly, quickly but critically in a tasks

where there are time constraints. There will always be pressure of time,

but experiences taught me to become decisive, of how things should be

put into places, of how problems should be fixed, in a way it is easy and

not time consuming.

I also consider myself being OPINIONATED. For many, it is a negative

trait, but this character which people think it’s an advantage, it is,

indeed, the opposite. I am opinionated in way my constituents know

what I speak about, making sure that my voice is counted and heard. I

see no room for hesitations especially when opinions are asked and

needed in the midst of a difficult situation.

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