Shantanu Rajguru

Shantanu Rajguru

A self‐motivated, pro-active & a detail oriented Marketing Professional.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
35 years old
PUNE, Maharashtra, India
8 years

A Marketing Professional with a diverse experience ranging from Key Account Management, B2B Sales, Retail

Marketing, Brand Communications, Community Building & Product Marketing.

An absolute people person I am an Individual who believes that marketing in its essence is about forging relations between brands and its stake holders. Being marketing professional having a background in sales and client relations I value the effort that goes in the both the above mentioned integral processes and also understand the importance of a solid marketing strategy to support them. Currently I am looking forward to contribute to an organisation through Developing a Marketing Plan, Making Strategic Alliances , Driving Product Marketing,

Creating & Maintaining Brand Awareness , Lead Generation & Plan Client Engagement.

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