Sean Woulfe

Sean Woulfe

Consulting & Project/Product Management
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Chico, CA, United States
6 years

I helped grow a DTC ecommerce clothing brand from $6 million in revenue to $10 million in revenue, over a 4 year period, serving as the Ecommerce Manager. 

As the Ecommerce Manager, I was 2nd in command. I touched every aspect of the company and wore many hats including:

1. Product Management / Project Management

2. UI/UX testing

3. Operations Management

4. Strategic Planning

5. Leader of the Customer Service, Marketing, and Design Teams

I decided to leave the company a year after it was acquired by one of the largest print-on-demand manufacturing companies in the US. 

Now I help businesses start-up or optimize their projects and business processes! I do business consulting and help get their projects to the finish line!

I love solving problems, so I hope we get the opportunity to work together!

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