Sean Fontaine

Sean Fontaine

Digital marketing, social media, research, data analysis, campaign management
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Middleton, Massachusetts, United States
3 years
Sean P. Fontaine 21 Eddington Street | Middleton, MA 01949 - |-| | EDUCATION University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Options in Marketing and Finance GPA: 3.79, Dean’s List (Fall 2016 – Present), Honors Student Beta Gamma Sigma International Business Honors Society, Member May 2020 March 2019 Certifications: HubSpot, Inbound Marketing & Social Media Trailhead for Salesforce, Digital Advertising Transformed with Customer Data SKILLS • Marketing Campaigns - Kadince • Social Media – Sprout Social • Content Creation • • • Survey Creation and Analysis Sales & Customer Service Blog & Web Site Writing March 2020 September 2019 • • • Survey Creation - Qualtrics Salesforce Google Analytics EXPERIENCE Service Credit Union | Portsmouth, NH Marketing Program Analyst June 2019-August 2019 • Organized and ran events with community relations as well as assumed new responsibilities including working with marketing/social media team to write blog posts and create and schedule social media posts. • Implemented a full social media campaign that was pitched during previous summer internship. • Planned and launched Instagram campaign for a sweepstakes at campus branch to increase target market (students) to open new accounts with Service Credit Union. Marketing Intern June 2018-August 2018 • Worked with community relations at events, representing the company and its brand image. • Conducted primary research and analyzed data to determine demographics and psychographics of the company’s target audience and made a plan to better market their services to consumers. • Launched and managed an Instagram campaign to encourage students to open an account with Service Credit Union and to increase brand awareness among the community. University of New Hampshire Admissions Office | Durham, NH October 2017-Present Marketing & Communications Intern • Performed a brand reputation analysis by analyzing social media, websites, and by conducting primary survey research. • Conducted competitive analysis creating graphs, charts and tables analyzing internet presence and reach. • Assisted in the creation and management of the UNH Admissions Facebook page. • Entered student application and guidance counselor information into Salesforce. Sky Zone Danvers | Danvers, MA September 2014-August 2016 Court Monitor/Maintenance Team/Cashier • Communicated and enforced park rules to guests, monitored courts to ensure safety. • Operated the POS system for sales of jump times, clothing, and food. Coco Key Water Resort | Danvers, MA November 2013-October 2014 Lifeguard – First Aid & CPR Certified • Surveyed waters and assisted guests in emergency situations, e.g., first aid and rescues. ACTIVITIES & COMMUNITY OUTREACH MAC SMAC, Student Ambassador UNH Intramural Athletics, Floor Hockey, Flag Football, and Softball Player Masconomet Fishing Club, Founder & Member Middleton Children’s Pumpkin Carving, Volunteer March 2020 March 2017-April 2020 October 2014-June 2016 October 2014-October 2016
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