Sarah Joy Daep

Sarah Joy Daep

Customer Service Representative
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
33 years old
Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines
3 years
SARAH JOY N. DAEP Address: Langkaan I, Dasmarinas Cavite Contact Number: - Email :-Skype : live:a587091c6b5898a9 : Employment objective: Willingness to learn, enhance and develop my skills and knowledge with the best of my abilities paving more opportunities for advancement. Qualifications Summary: Patient and hardworking Can be depended upon trustworthy. Can accept mistakes and learn from them. Dedicated to work on assigned tasks. Easily cope with changes and work. Willing to experience and learn new things through seminars, trainings and similar activities. Personal Information: Date of Birth: September 24, 1991 Place of Birth : Lumampong Halayhay Indang, Cavite Age:27 Sex:Female Religion:Born Again Christian Citizenship:Filipino Civil Status:Single Educational Background: TERTIARY Cavite State University Certificate in Computer Technician Indang, Cavite 2009 – 2011 SECONDARY Lumampong National High School Indang, Cavite- PRIMARY Lumampong Elementary School Indang, Cavite - Work Experience: **RMS Collect Phils Inc (IQOR) March 2017– Present Sprint Account  - **RGC Manpower Services Aug. 2014 – Dec. 2014 Production Supervisor - **RGC Manpower Services Aug. 2015 – Dec 2015 Production Supervisor Character References: Adriel Adornado - IQOR Team leader Patricia Olarte - IQOR Trainer I hereby that the certification stated above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant’s signature SARAH JOY N. DAEP
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