I'm a senior web developer.
My skill set is as follows:
- PHP 7.x
- Laravel Framework (5.x)
- Mysql/Postgres
- VueJS
- Vuex
- Quasar
- React / Redux
- AngularJS (1.x, 4+)
- socket.io + Pusher + PubNub
- Linux/Apache/Nginx/Varnish Cache
- Stripe Billing/Subscriptions
- Pusher
- Composer
- BDD/TDD Unit Testing / Protractor / Selenium
- Jenkins / Bamboo CI
- Wordpress
- Docker/Vagrant
- Redis
- AWS / s3 / Route 53 / ECS / EC2
- GruntJS/Gulp
- Node/NPM/Yarn
- AWS Serverless
I have over 13 years worth of commercial software development experience and my primary languages are PHP and javascript I have also had some significant time in the .NET environment, and C/C++.
I have developed frameworks which suit people who want to develop cloud based SaaS.
API Development:
- Twilio
- Tesseract
- PyTesseract
- Backtrader
- OpenCV
- Pyfolio
- OpenGL
- Tensorflow
- Stripe
- BrainTree