Sanjaya Kumar

Sanjaya Kumar

I am doing a pvt job as well as doing parttime job.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Bhawanipatana, Odisha, India
2 years

I am Sanjaya kumar spcialist in Dataentry.I have started and working in this field since 2 years ago.I am vry honest and hard working person.Through out my hard work and patience I sure to only got better. .my hard work and precious contribution make me more qualified to do this job.

I also completed a Bachelar Degree in computer science engineering from the Centurion university of technology and management Jeypore India.moreover I am depth in msword,excell,photoshop, powerpoint,social media mangement,wordpress seo and other software knowledge.

I have make possible to handle at any odd situation by coming up with my multitasking efficiency and intrest.I always try to make sure of quickly finished of my job and deliver to my client.As I have never dissapoint any of my client.

I am looking forword to join with you and hope to have a voice from you.Thank you

  • editing skills
  • Discretion with confidential data
  • Experience with data management system
  • custome service experience
  • strong written and verbal communication skill
  • fast typing
  • ability to work independently
  • Market Research
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Excel
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