Roque Andaya

Roque Andaya

Business Analyst, Product Manager, IT Manager, Entrepreneur
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
54 years old
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
27 years
Roque Ismael O. Andaya Mobile: +63 - Email:-LinkedIn: Professional Profile Solu ons oriented Business Analyst accomplished in financial, business and mari me products, process analysis and management. Highly organized, effec ve leader, communicator and an experienced entrepreneur. Key Areas of Exper se        Excep onal analysis and communica on skills with ability to understand and interpret requirements both internal and external to the organiza on Keen a en on to details in the iden fica on of poten al issues for applica ons Understanding of change management, transi on and implementa ons of new systems Process improvement experience in implemen ng new procedures and technologies to strengthen security posture, enhance opera onal efficiency and control costs Experience in Product management and solu ons Success in direc ng projects from incep on, elicita on, implementa on, support to feedback Experience working in both Agile and Waterfall methodologies Technical Skills      Languages: VB .NET, Java, Python Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, MS Access, SQLite Systems: Windows, DOS, Virtualiza on Tools: Microso Office, MS Visio, MS Project, Rally, JIRA, Sharepoint, TestRail Cer fica ons: Cer fied ScrumMaster, October 2008 – Hong Kong Produc vity Council; IT Project Management, April 2006 – Asian Ins tute of Management Employment History ShipServ, Ltd. Business Analyst  11.2 2007 – Present Project managed mul ple new projects and project enhancements from elicita on, design, implementa on, support and feedback       Communicated directly with both external and internal stakeholders for project coordina on Company expert for majority of applica ons specially in system integra ons Project managed applica on migra ons seamlessly from old to new technology Facilitate communica on with both external and internal clients as well as interdepartment coordina on Documented and tested the behavior and func onality of the applica on for core trading pla orm Quality Assurance for product releases, defect discovery and cket handling Pinnaculum Consul ng Group, Inc. Co-Founder, Consultant    Analyzed, recommended and supervised implementa on of new banking process and product improvements Analyzed, recommended and supervised implementa on of digital processes and improvements Gathered informa on and feedback from all stakeholders Noah PMS Monitoring Services, Inc. Co-Founder, Project Manager          2006 – 2007 Analyzed current, recommended and implemented new IT and Communica on hardware, so ware and digital processes to improve company opera onal efficiency Managed the Database Construc on company-wide team for the Planned Maintenance System for almost 200 managed vessels Implemented an efficient way to support and maintain the hardware and so ware onboard almost 200 vessels traveling all over world 24/7 Designed and implemented the data and voice infrastructure spanning across buildings. Product managed the Crew Management System being used for the crewing arm in Manila Evaluated so ware and hardware for company use Quality Assurance for product releases, defect discovery and cket handling Reported directly to the company president Green Bank of Caraga Vice President of Management Informa on Systems 11.2 2008 – 2010 Project Managed the Database Construc on team for the Planned Maintenance System of mul ple vessels Communicated with clients directly for requirements elicita on and feedback Thome Ship Management IT Manager  2010 – 2011 2000 – 2006     Setup the MIS Department basically from scratch Researched and evaluated hardware for IT and Communica on equipment Researched and evaluated banking so ware, e.g. Microbanker and RB2000 Researched and Implemented new systems, e.g. Lotus Notes, to facilitate be er communica on for branches company-wide CRIO Computer Concepts Founder, Product Manager     Managed mul ple customized business applica ons, e.g. Sales and Inventory Management System, Accounts Receivable Monitoring System, Payroll Management System, Credit Card Data Entry System, Credit Card Phone Verifica on System, Billing System, Rental Inventory System, Point Of Sale System, So ware Development U lity, Document Image Archiving Priori zed which product enhancement or fix goes into development Quality Assurance for product releases, defect discovery and cket handling Full cycle involvement from marke ng to development to collec on to a er sales support Green Bank of Caraga Director    1998 – 2006 1991 – 2006 Handled the digital transforma on of a bank from a single branch to more than 50 branches and more than 40 kiosks located na onwide Implemented new and innova ve loan, current and savings products Op mized process flows between and within departments Educa on Ateneo De Manila University AB Economics - Keywords QA, quality assurance, analy cal, problem solving, problem solver, team lead, project manager, systems analyst, business analyst, so ware development, informa on technology, so ware engineering, branch manager, IT Marine, Communica ons, AMOS, visual basic, IT Manager, MIS Manager, ScrumMaster, Scrum, Agile, Product Manager, Product Owner, Java, Python, Waterfall 11.2
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